Interviews with Leaders in Fintech & Web3
Interviews with Leaders in Fintech & Web3
Connecting Mindset to the Metaverse with CEO of Dig South, Stanfield Gray
Stanfield Gray is the CEO of Dig South: The South's Tech Hub and DIG SOUTH Tech Summit, the first and foremost event dedicated to growing the South’s tech economy, held April 26-27 in Charleston, SC. Visit digsummit.com for details.
Stanfield joins Work in Fintech co-founder Ying Cao to talk about:
- What is the metaverse, exactly?
- The future of storytelling in the Metaverse
- The importance of community building
- Embracing the beginners mindset
2:58 What is the metaverse?
7:40 How are you approaching storytelling in the metaverse?
10:10 What are some projects you are embarking on?
14:00 Biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs
18:50 How does mindset come into play as innovators embark on their journey?
20:00 What’s next for you?
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