Interviews with Leaders in Fintech & Web3
Interviews with Leaders in Fintech & Web3
The Secret to Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster: Jinesh Vora’s Game-Changing Fintech
Jinesh Vora, Founder and CEO of Sprive, shares his journey from a corporate career at Goldman Sachs to launching his own fintech startup aimed at helping homeowners pay off their mortgages faster. He discusses the challenges and opportunities in the mortgage market, the importance of financial education, and the strategies for growth and networking in the fintech space. Jinesh emphasises the need for innovation in personal finance and the potential for fintech to disrupt traditional banking practices.
- Janesh's entrepreneurial spirit was influenced by his family
- The idea for Sprive was born from personal experiences with mortgages
- Financial literacy is crucial for making informed financial decisions
- Networking is essential for startup success and finding the right talent
- Understanding mortgage terms can empower users to make better choices
- Entrepreneurship offers unlimited potential compared to corporate jobs
00:00 From Corporate to Startup: The Journey Begins
02:47 Identifying Pain Points: The Birth of Sprive
06:04 Innovating the Mortgage Market: Sprive's Unique Approach
09:13 Financial Education: Empowering Users for Better Decisions
11:59 Growth Strategies: Navigating the Fintech Landscape
14:56 Building a Network: The Key to Entrepreneurial Success
18:14 Hiring for Success: Skills and Experience in Fintech
20:59 Reflections on Career Choices: Corporate vs. Startup Life
24:12 Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Taking the Leap
26:58 Conclusion: The Future of Sprive and Personal Finance
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Matt (00:00.12)
Hi, I'm Matthew Cheung, founder of Work in Fintech. And today for a first face-to-face interview, delighted to be joined with Jinesh Vora, who is founder and CEO of Sprive, which we'll learn all about, which has over 50,000 users and around budgeting and reducing your mortgage very quickly. Jinesh, thanks for joining us. Thanks Matt for having me. So I suppose let's jump into it. So you worked at Goldman for quite a long time.
And we just spoke earlier that you started off as an intern and then one of the grad programs, so quite a conventional route. I you went to Warwick as well, which is quite a feeder into Goldman as far as I'm aware. But then you decided after 14 years to make the leap. So, can you talk about what interested you about starting up your own company and as well, just kind of a bit of your background and kind of where you started out and how you got to where you are today? Yeah, so I've always liked the idea of starting my own business.
Even when I was at Warwick University and I was in my second year, I was thinking about what do I do when I finish university. I really liked the idea of starting my own business. My dad was an entrepreneur, my grandfather was an entrepreneur. To give you some context, my grandfather grew up in rural India with no education, then moved to East Africa with his uncle and then worked in construction, then started his own construction firm. And so I've seen firsthand how entrepreneurship can lead to generational wealth.
But then I looked around everyone around me and everyone was kind of looking at applying for graduate jobs. And so I did the same because I didn't really have the business idea. I don't really know how to go about starting a business. I don't really have capital. And so then once you kind of enter into that corporate world, you then kind of, I just got really absorbed into kind of chasing the next kind of career progression. And it's only once, you know, someone I used to work with decided that they were going to start an entrepreneurial venture.
and said, look, I'm leaving GoMins, you want to do something together? That kind of sparked me taking kind of that step out and thinking, can I do something on my own? And that kind of led to the creation of Sprive. And how long ago was that? So five years ago is when I actually left GoMins Saks and I was at GoMins Saks for about 14 years. I spent the first 10 years kind of supporting the security trading business.
Matt (02:17.966)
And then I moved over to the risk division towards the end of my career as responsible for about a third of the organization from an operational risk standpoint. So what problem were you trying to solve then when you decided to start up your own company? Yeah, so actually when we had the idea that we wanted to start a business, after work we would sit, my colleague and I would sit down in the canteen at Coleman's and essentially business, like brainstorm business ideas. And I think we started in the summer of 2018.
and then we came up with the idea for Sprive in around November. And every time we came up with an idea, we thought the idea was amazing. But then as you start to really pull the onion and start to validate the idea, most of the ideas that we came up with, we realized that we actually weren't very, very strong. But the idea for Sprive was partly born out of my own personal experience. I think some of the best ideas you can come up with are things where you've experienced pain points yourself. And so about 12 years ago, my wife and I bought our first home.
And I vividly remember seeing the mortgage offer document and it's saying for every pound that we borrow, we'll be paying 50p in interest. And we were borrowing about 300,000 pounds. So I didn't really like the idea of paying a hundred thousand pounds in interest over the lifetime of the loan. And we were fortunate, both, my wife and I had good jobs. And so we went through a journey of trying to pay off our mortgage as quickly as we could. And to give you some context, the Bank of England interest rate was 0.25%. So the very low compared to what the environment is today.
And so as we went through that journey of trying to pay off our mortgage, we kind of quickly realized that the mortgage market is quite traditional in the way it operates. It's not really geared up to help homeowners pay off their mortgage more quickly, save interest. And so part of that was the inspiration for starting Sprive. Also while I was there, Goldman Sachs invested in a digital mortgage business called Trussell. They invested about 14 million pounds. So I got the opportunity to look at the mortgage market from an investor standpoint.
and realized huge market, very traditional, right for disruption. And so literally then we started sitting down and going, how can we disrupt the market? How can we enter the market? How can we do something different? And when we start talking to customers, we realized very quickly that the customers, when it comes to mortgages, homeowners only care about two things. One is trying to save as much interest as possible. And the other is to pay off their mortgage as quickly as possible. And so we geared the business and the product around that. And that was kind of our north star.
Matt (04:39.278)
That sounds quite interesting in regards to the Revolut founding story, because it's a similar problem where they were working on an FX desk and they could see the spreads as an institution. You'd be paying one pip spread on an FX trade, whereas you go on holiday and you're paying, you know, very, very widespread. Would you have grander ambitions further down the line to do something like Revolut will ever come, start off with one particular problem and then expand it into this super app trying to solve a lot of things?
I think so, we're quite ambitious as an organisation. If you think about the mortgage industry itself, it's trillion pound industry. My vision for Sprive is at the moment we're helping homeowners with mortgages pay off their debts faster without essentially impacting the lifestyle, just so that your listeners can kind of understand a little bit about what Sprive does. We help people pay off their mortgage faster in a few different ways. We have like an auto saving spare cash feature where you can set aside spare cash or with one tap make real-time payments to your mortgage lender.
and we support like 14 of the largest lenders in the UK. But not everyone's got spare cash to be able to put towards their mortgage. And so we've got this concept called Shop with Sprive, where you can do your everyday shopping. And every time you shop, like as Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrison's, Ammonist, Amazon, Waitrose, I mean, the list goes on really top tier brands. You pay off your mortgage faster. And then we scan the market every day for better mortgage deals. And so if it can help you find a better mortgage deal, we'll essentially help you refinance over it and secure that deal.
And so collectively, our user base is on track to save like 100 million pounds in interest and like not 22,000 years of their mortgage. And so to answer your question, I feel like if you are tackling a homeowner's, like their mortgage, which is their largest, typically their largest household commitment,
and also kind of really in the center of their shopping behavior. That's a big chunk of an individual's personal finances. From there, then you've got a lot of foundations to be able to move and help people manage their finances in essentially different ways. And the way I kind of think about Sprive is my mission is to help people be debt-free. It's something like just three million people would have a mortgage past the age of retirement. Imagine being in your 70s and still having a mortgage to worry about. You never know.
Matt (06:47.414)
In your 50s and 60s you could lose your job, you could fall sick. But I want to kind of go beyond that. For me, there's about 44 million people with some form of household debt. So you've got like credit card debt, student loan debt. We've got people working for Sprive who are paying 12 % on their student loan. And so there's a lot of people that we can help with the technology that we have. And globally it's something like a billion people with some form of household debt. So I feel like in the fintech space there's a lot of like neo banks out there.
There's a lot of credit card companies, insurance tech companies, and credit card companies, investment companies, but there's no one really tackling debt. And so we just feel like there's a huge opportunity. And so I see no reason why we couldn't go to the same levels as Revolut. We've certainly got ambitions to do so.
From a financial education perspective, are you also trying to help? Because for you and I, we're both from a financial markets background. So, yeah, looking at your mortgage statement for the first time and understanding what that means. But similarly, knowing that surely you can do better than this. How do you approach financial education with your kind of users?
Yeah, I mean it's a real problem in this country in that you're really taught about how to manage money and financial literacy is not taught at schools and so it's really people are reliant on either self-learning or by their parents and the way they kind of manage their money and so for a lot of people in the UK they don't even know that they can pay off their mortgage faster and if you ask them what's a mortgage overpayment many people won't realise what that is.
There's concepts like amortization, is basically lenders' front-load interest payments. So at the beginning of your mortgage, you're paying like 70 % of your monthly payments are interest, and people don't really understand how that essentially works. Lenders, when you're looking to make overpayments, they typically put hurdles. So you need to call your bank and let them know that you want to make overpayments, but you want your monthly payments to stay the same.
Matt (08:44.204)
If they start to drop, then actually you don't pay off your mortgage any time sooner, you don't save as much interest. And so there's a whole element of education that's really important because when people are empowered, they become much more, they make better decisions, but they also understand the motivations on why they're doing something. Like if you're trying to pay off your mortgage 10 years earlier through the Supprive app, if you understand the benefits and how the app works and how the interest calculations work and what you need to do,
then you're much more motivated to use the app on regular basis because if you don't use the app on a regular basis then you're not going to get the benefits that you could potentially get. And so that's kind of completely integrated into the app. And so we'll give people pending tasks, there's a lot of information. We make it as simple as possible to kind of understand what you're doing. And a good example, when you download the app, the first kind of screen that you see is some sliders.
where you can literally just kind of play around and go, well, roughly how much mortgage, what's your mortgage, roughly how many years do have left, roughly what's your monthly payments. And then you can start to see that based on current interest rates, what kind of interest you'd be paying over the lifetime alone. And that simple number is sometimes really shocking for people and they don't have any clue that you might be on track to pay 400,000 pounds in interest to your lender if you do nothing. And so we try to make it really simple.
and engaging, but we do it through the app and the UI. When you're an app and you're a FinTech app, you can't take your customers into a webinar and educate them, and so you do that through the UI journey. And then obviously we have like a Sprite Academy series in our website, and so we have like these short two, three minute videos where people can kind of listen to them and get kind of more informed if they want to. Sounds like a no-brainer to use it.
In terms of having the app itself, so making the UI UX for that, which is user interface and user experience, making that really easy to use and intuitive is obviously really important. And prior to that, I guess, a catalyst for what you're doing is like open banking and various things that happen in previous years in FinTech, which have enabled you to do this, which you would have been able to do like, you know, 10 years ago. Is there anything going forward which you see as another catalyst for?
Matt (11:06.726)
accelerating people adopting something like the Sprive app or is it more just awareness? Because I see you have some great PR and press with national newspapers and TV and so on because I think it is a no-brainer. Yeah, for us at the moment we've been very focused on growing organically and word of mouth. I'm a firm believer of, in the UK many people who start fintechs think that you need to spend a lot of money to grow and to some extent that is true but
You want to do this in a very sustainable way. The days where you could raise a lot of money very, very quickly, started to dissipate, especially with interest rates going up. We've been very focused on unit economics. How can we get to profitability really quickly? We've not massively been focused on telling people that we exist. We do get featured on national press.
I think in December we were featured by this morning in ITV, there demo, Leary was talking about Sprive as one of the best kind of personal finance apps in the UK. But this year in 2025, we're really focused on growth. And so we will be doing things like television campaigns and really try to get the kind of word out there to of rapidly scale and essentially grab market share. But in terms of like the catalyst, I think growth is very important.
The other thing I really like to do is partner with more established organisations. So if you think about the mortgage market, it's the lenders that essentially issue the mortgages. And at the moment, the technology is quite traditional in the way operates. So a really simple example is if you had a mortgage and you're looking to secure another mortgage, it typically will take you eight weeks to secure a mortgage.
If you've ever spoken to a mortgage advisor, you'll kind of realize it's quite a painful process. They'll ask you for bank statements, they'll ask you for like 100 bits of information around your credit and your affordability, and then lenders take that information and they manually use that to underwrite the mortgage. It's real painful process. And in this day and age, it shouldn't be like that. It should be able to assess your affordability digitally and then be able to secure that mortgage within 20 minutes. And that doesn't exist. And so one of the things we want to do is, as we start to grow,
Matt (13:15.82)
is go to lenders and say, we have a really engaged user base. My user base have great credit scores. They're financially doing the right thing. Can we offer them market leading rates that no one else can get? Can we digitize the underwriting? At the moment, like the way mortgage deals are priced, they're priced on like loan to values, but on 5 % loan to value thresholds.
you could have a loan to value of say 89.9 % or you can have a loan to value of like 85.1 and you'll get the same mortgage deal but your affordability might be very, very different. And the way I think the market should move is should be your individually priced based on your own individual circumstances. And so I feel like the mortgage market has just got a huge amount of opportunity. But to do that, you
Partnering with existing lenders is probably the best way to do that because they have the capital to be able to lend. Trying to, as a fintech, get the regulatory permissions to be a bank that can essentially issue mortgage loans is very, expensive and very, challenging. And so I see that also being part of our journey. So going on to the startup side of the journey, making a leap from working in a big corporate, like you said, you kind of
were heads down in the machine as it were. When you made the leap into being a startup, did you have any help or were you just learning things for yourself and figuring out as you going along? You obviously said you had some family that have come from an entrepreneurial background, which I'm sure they instilled in you at a young age, no doubt. But how did you learn and where did you start?
Yeah, it's a good question. You really don't have an idea of what it's going to be like to be an entrepreneur until you actually kind of make the leap. I think when I was at Goldman Sachs, I had this kind of environment that was very safe and I had this network where any problem that I had, I literally could go up in their directory, find the person that could help me solve my problem and you pick up the phone and you get your answers really quickly. And as you go kind of outside,
Matt (15:20.428)
and you're starting something for scratch. When we had the idea for Sprite, we literally had a PowerPoint and an idea. And then step by step, you need to work out what's the direction you need to go to turn this into a reality where now we're supporting over three billion pounds worth of mortgages. And look, it's all making each day count. And the number one kind of advice and the thing that I learned is in your network, putting yourself out there and meeting as many people as you can, relevant people, but being also very efficient with your time.
And so to start off with, if I kind of walk you through our journey a little bit, when I had the idea, we obviously had the individual that I mentioned, who's now our COO, who goes to work with that Goldman Sachs. And we kind of realized very early on that we wanted to build a technology company and none of us could, either of us could code. So we were like, we were probably need to find a CTO. And so I made a list of like 10 people that I knew that potentially could be a good CTO. And actually one of the people at the top was someone I went to university with.
And so I reached out to him and said, would you be interested? he said yes. And so we created the founding team. And then we started talking to people in the mortgage industry. And just to kind of get idea of what they thought. And it's very interesting, the feedback that we got was very, very positive. We even had people inviting us to their board meeting and presenting to their board members. And even someone on the board saying, can we invest half a million pounds into the business? And at this stage, we just had an idea.
And then we started going, well, we should see if our customers really want this product. And so we ended up getting 2000 people on our wait list. then, because I'd never been an entrepreneur before, I started to like find mentors, people who'd been there and done that. Not necessarily in FinTech, who just started a venture and been relatively successful at it. And I'd used them as a sounding board. Very quickly, was based on the PowerPoint, we were able to raise 240,000 pounds on investment.
One of the investors, for example, was the former CFO of Microsoft US in India. And again, these people have connections and you can use them as a sounding board. And over time, that network just builds and builds and builds. And the key thing is that you have the right team to be able to create a good sounding board and a diverse set of skills. And I think if you have that, then it kind of puts you in a good, gives you a good foundation to kind of do well.
Matt (17:44.718)
So it's all that networking piece. How would you, if you were mentoring someone who was younger and just starting out with their career, how would you go about networking? Because that can be lots of different things, but it's a really, really valuable skill. Yeah, I think it depends what you're looking to do at that particular point in time. So networking for the sake of networking isn't massively useful. So when I was first starting, for me it was to kind validate the idea.
was like the number one focus. So then you kind of on paper you're like, well, who can validate this idea? So you might be like investors because they see a lot of ideas and they'll give you ideas on what would work, what couldn't work. And investors generally love talking to new founders. so that if you ask generally people that work in that kind of investor community for a coffee, many people will say yes. And that's a great way of just starting to like build that network out.
And then you might be like, why don't you to people in the mortgage industry? So then you kind of look within your realms of your network and you'd like, do I know any mortgage advisors? Do my friends or my family know any mortgage advisors? And then you say, look, can you give me an introduction? And then you meet them, then who do they know within the industry? And that you start to like piece that together. And it really helped that I felt that I did work at Goldman Sachs, because when you name drop the name, generally it opens, it at least gets you a foot in the door and it gets you a meeting.
And so I've never had a problem, know, doesn't matter who it is, what organization it is, they'll always kind of meet me. And think as I see when you're a bit younger, it's a bit harder maybe to just kind of open those doors, but I was fortunate to be able to have that kind of background. And so that really helped. And then you go from there, then you start to get into like WhatsApp groups. So like I'm on part of the Fintech Founders Group, where there's like 400 Fintech CEOs based in the UK.
Again, that's invitation only. And so again, when I have challenges, I can kind of message them or we go to like quarterly or monthly events. so just layer by layer, you start to like build it up. And the good thing is as you get investors, their network becomes your network. And so it's not done overnight. I think going face to face, speaking at events, not being afraid to like do things like this where you're doing podcasts or you're on stage talking about your business.
Matt (20:04.462)
I think some people when they have an idea they think they need to kind of keep it to themselves. It's so hard creating a business and making it success that just telling people about an idea doesn't mean that someone's going to steal it. It's all in the execution and so talking about it and getting yourself out there is also a really good way of doing it. The other thing that's quite powerful is LinkedIn. it is a little bit less now but for two years religiously I used to post like every day on LinkedIn.
and my posts eventually would get to like, you'd get like two, three, four, five, 10,000 people seeing your posts on a daily basis. And that reach is incredible because once you get really comfortable with posting, it literally takes five to 10 minutes, but to get that kind of reach and people are just really interested. Most people are working for someone. So when they, and they always like the idea of taking that risk and they're always a little bit afraid to do it. So when they see someone actually chasing that dream.
They will kind of support you and kind of follow you and that network effect that LinkedIn has is very, very powerful. What skills did you pick up in your corporate career when you were working in investment bank? How were they transferable into what you're doing now, if at all? Really transferable. say like Goldman Sachs as an organization is a pretty intense place to work. Like every year they tend to cull.
the bottom like 10%. So, you know, I was there for a long time and so you need to like perform. And when I was in kind of operations and risk, the kind of the divisions that I was in, I didn't have a P &L. I wasn't a trader. I wasn't in corporate finance. So I was very much judged on a lot of my kind of my ability to get the job done, but also start managing teams like three, four years into my career, I started managing people, I started managing organizations, I started managing budgets and that these teams are those.
and the budget and the organisations got bigger and bigger as I became more senior. But the soft skills to be able to manage people, recruit people, get the best out of people is really important when you transfer that to start-up life. When you start a business, the first few highs are not the right highs, then the chances of your business going anywhere is significantly reduced.
Matt (22:22.624)
You need to show leadership as well. tend to work really, really hard and they're doing that because they believe in you. And so you need to be able to have the leadership skills where people look at you in the eye go, I believe that Ginesh can build the next kind of Revolut. And that comes with experience and tenure that I built. Also, just being super organized because I had to get so much done within a short space of time.
you become hyper efficient in the way you manage your time. You know what to do yourself, what to delegate. And so that became kind of something that became kind of second nature. I used to get probably like a thousand emails a day and very, very good at being able to sift through what's important, what's not. When do I put headspace into this? When do I just ignore it? And so these kind of skills are just like super, super important when it comes to
startup life and the other big one I'd say is problem solving. So the culture that the organization where I worked was it had this whole ethos of trying to problem solve but also do a lot with very little. You'd think that organization like that would actually throw a lot of money at problems but actually they were very very frugal in the way they operated as a business. If you were making money, they'd be a lot more liberal but when you were like deemed as almost like a cost center.
you were given very little resources. And so that also meant that everyone there was quite entrepreneurial in the way that you were taught as a graduate to kind of think about your daily work. So we're probably a similar age. When we went to university, everyone wanted to be a trader and work in an investment bank. Whereas lots of people now want to work in startups. What would your advice be to
someone who's maybe studying or early in their career about working in a traditional institution versus working in a fintech or a startup? Yeah, I think working in a traditional institution has kind of more stability, whereas working in a fintech maybe has a little bit less stability, but it also depends on the stage of the fintech. it's a very new fintech, then there's a chance that potentially that business won't go anywhere, but at the same time, if you come in early,
Matt (24:42.296)
you might get options and if they grow it can be life changing. I know quite a few people who've gone to successful fintechs and done very well from it. But the odds are obviously stacked against you. As the fintech gets more established, that risk starts to diminish, but then the upside starts to reduce. Likewise in the corporate world.
Salaries and kind of progression is a lot more clearer. Bigger organisations, potentially the opportunity to work across different locations. Really talented people that you can learn of. So I think it all depends on the individual. If you're someone who says, like the idea of starting my own business, then you can by all means just start young. You don't have any family commitments if you can.
Once you get older and older, if you have a mortgage or you have children and a family, it becomes harder and harder to be able to take the step and start your own venture. Whereas when you're younger, potentially you less commitments. And so it could be an interesting time. But at the same time, there is something to said about being working for a corporate organization, building that skill set like I did, and then at the right time, being able to switch over. There's no right or wrong answer. think you've got to like...
Just get yourself out there, be open to new opportunities and new ideas. then when the opportunities and ideas come, the more you're out there, the more things you'll see. And then you can decide what's right for you. And the number one thing I would say is collect mentals. Because it's easy to make mistakes when you're just doing this for the first time. And the way you mitigate that as a first time, say, entrepreneur, especially, is by
being around people that have been there, done that, that you can use as a sounding board. And so just, I'd say for anyone listening, you're a student or you're kind of early in your career, be obsessed about building your network because the better your network, the more opportunities and the luckier you'll be in life. So you're just about to go on hiring spree now, hopefully. What type of skills would you look for in people that you're hiring?
Matt (26:58.53)
I think the first thing, even when we look at someone that we're hiring is, unfortunately, it's people that have experience I tend to look for because when you have such a small organization, it's hard. We have taken interns in the past, but you're typically looking for someone with a particular skill set. for example, developers.
We tend to look for people at least with like a two years experience so that they're not completely green, so they can kind of relatively hit the ground running. we we did for coders especially, my CTA will kind of assess what they're, we're giving them challenges and see how the quality of their coding and their ability to problem solve. With marketing as an example, where we need people who have experience.
taking a fintech organization from like 10,000 customers to half a million customers. so like Lauren, who runs our fintech at Sprive, she did that for Chip. And so I was able to convince her to leave and join Sprive because I'd seen her, she was like the first hire within their customer acquisition team. And so I needed, I felt like I needed someone who's been there, done that, who can then kind of translate her experience into growing Sprive. Again,
if we're building out the marketing team is looking at kind of love and strengths, looking at what we wanna, where we wanna kind of invest. And I'm a firm believer of like doing small experiments first, understanding and whether there's a need to hire someone. And then if there is a need, then only do you bring that person in and then you're looking for the best kind of the best candidate. And I tend to use my network and approach people that I know and say, I'm looking for this kind of person, who do you know? And if I can find
someone through my network, then fantastic. If not, then I'll go to typically to a recruiter and I'll give them, you know, these requirements of I'm looking for someone ideally who's worked in these 20 organizations for this many years and try to like headhunt them. that's kind of generally how I think. I think for young people kind of getting into building their career, it's probably harder than it was when.
Matt (29:12.078)
We were looking for jobs and in the corporate space a lot of jobs are going abroad. So I remember when we were, even when I left five years ago, when we were looking to hire, they were kind of saying you can hire anywhere except in the UK, especially because obviously the Brexit happened at the time. So it was kind of a real environment where people just didn't want to kind of invest there. And then on the flip side with FinTechs, there was a period where there was lot of influx of capital.
but now the capital is starting to dry up. And so there's a lot less fintechs that are kind of growing their teams. So I think as someone trying to get into industry, network, go to events, build relationships, and just try to get experience and relevant experience. And if you keep building that experience and you keep building the network, eventually you'll get to a place where you want to be. So final question.
If you were to go back to when you were 18 years old, would you have done anything differently? Would you have changed any approaches? Would you have done things quicker with the knowledge that you may have now? with the knowledge I have now, I think I definitely would have just gone straight into entrepreneurship. But that kind of hindsight is not realistic. think based on the knowledge I had then, I did the right thing of going into corporate world.
building my skillset, building my network, also paying off my mortgage, which now gives me the opportunity to help others pay off their mortgage. think if I still had a mortgage, my wife would have been piped down, and you're still working and doing your corporate job. And so for me, it was the right journey. when you have this knowledge, what you realize is that if you're working for someone and doing a corporate job, the upside is very, very fixed.
You know that this many years experience, you're probably going to earn this much, it might increase or go up or down by 20%, 30%, 40%. You start your own venture and if it goes well, the upside is unlimited. And if you think about the way the economy works is you've got employees and you've got employers. The employers only make money because the employees are adding.
Matt (31:31.054)
that means that the employer becomes richer than the people doing the work. As long as you can create an established business that is profitable. so generally most people are risk averse and they're scared of failing and they're scared of making mistakes. if you, there are so many opportunities, especially with technology now and AI.
That's just created a huge disruptor and building technology isn't as expensive as it was and building business isn't as expensive as it was. And so for anyone young, I would say if you can afford to do so, you only live once, it a go. And at the same time, you can always de-risk things by getting a job and then using your spare time.
and your weekends to like get the business as strong as possible until you've got a really good feeling that actually it's worth quitting your kind of your permanent job and starting the venture. Yeah, some solid advice. So how can people follow you and where can people find the Sprive app? Yeah, so the Sprive app is on Android and iOS. You just type in Sprive, S-P-R-I-V-E and you'll see the app and it's there to download and we support 14 of the largest lenders in the UK. So if you have a mortgage,
It's free. can help you save money on your mortgage and pay off quickly. We have customers on track today for like 50,000 pounds in interest and not 10 years off their mortgage. So it's pretty impactful. And in terms of following me, I'm on LinkedIn. So if you just kind of type in Janesh Vora, you'll find me. And if you send me a connection request, I'm happy to accept it. Great. Janesh Vora, thank you for joining us today. Thanks for having me. Cheers.